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People involved



LAME team from LIPhy has large experience in developing and using cavity enhanced spectroscopic techniques for state of the art spectroscopic studies. These techniques (in particular CRDS) have produced CO2 and H2O continua data with an unprecedented accuracy thanks to their high sensitivity and base-line stability when recording spectra. The last version of the widely used semi-empirical MT_CKD model (V3.2) is based on LIPhy’s values.

People involved: D. Mondelain Scientific coordinator, S. Kassi, A. Campargue, D. Romanini


ABC(t) team from LMD has, for years, been studying the effects of pressure on molecular absorption spectra from the theoretical point of view. Models have been developed for all regions of the spectra, including those around isolated absorption lines, around manifolds of closely spaced transitions, as well as in the intermediate and far wings of the lines. They have been successfully tested for several molecular species including CH4, CO2 and H2O.

People involved: J-M Hartmann, H. Tran 


The LMD "planetology" team has a 20 years expertise in developping 3D global climate models for planetary atmospheres including Mars, Venus, Titan, Pluto, etc. In particular they have developed the first "generic" model mentioned above designed to simulate any atmosphere around any stars. This model has already been successfully applied to study exoplanetary atmosphere and early atmospheres in the solar system.           

People involved: F. Forget



People involved: O. Pirali




M. Turbet: Astronomical observatory of Geneva (University of Geneva)


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